Make your own Riverdale Episode
By Reilly Keen
Write your own Riverdale Episode! You have 6 choices for each situation. That's 7,775 ways to make Riverdale more interesting and potentially a better show!
Archie finds out that...
1. Jughead
2. Richard Nixon
3. Jane Goodall
4. Jason Vorhees
5. Your racist grandma
6. The Elmo impersonator in times square
Is going on a date with...
1. Betty
2. their scrapbooking collection
3. no chance of a real relationship coming out of it
4. A fish from the local aquarium
5. Hillary Duff's cousin's daughter's rival in gym class
6. a well-written character
Disgusted, Archie ruins the date by...
1. Spilling something on the date's clothes
2. Miscalculating the D&D roll, killing the date's player character
3. Announcing that he now owns the Kansas City Royals
4. Buying stock in AT&T
5. Endlessly quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail
6. Doing a real crappy Rodney Dangerfield impression
The date ruinee then yells at Archie about...
1. How Archie is a bad friend
2. How superman would totally beat Goku in a fight
3. How he hates the Boston Bruins
4. How they still don't know who the axeman of New Orleans was
5. How this channel really went down the tubes
6. How John Calvin's views on predestination are kinda stupid
Meanwhile, Veronica gets in trouble with the law by...
1. Driving drunk
2. Saying that Jurassic Park wasn't that impressive with its special effects
3. Nuking the whales
4. Defying gravity
5. Outpizzaing the hut
6. Totally misunderstanding the point of A Clockwork Orange