Fighcalm School Story Fighseen

Fighseen is a short Action film consisting of 2 stickmen having a physical altercation to see who wins!?

 Fighseen is part of the Fighcalm Franchise which is owned by Taylons World. 

Watch Fighseen only on the Taylon's World Website! 

Studio/ creator of film : Taylon's World Studios 

Distributed by Taylon's World 

Fighcalm School Story Fightseen | Episode  01 -The Begining of the Fight 

We Began with 2 stickmen having a physical battle to see who wins? 

Fighcalm School Story Fightseen | Episode 02 - Yellow Belt Power is now in action! 

As The stickmen struggled to get a hit he decided to turn yellow belt power to at least get a hit now the question is will he be able to?

Fighcalm School Story Fightseen | Episode  03 - Fighting some more I guess?!

As the stickman continues to fail the first time fighting the other he tries again and fails but this time the other stickman has also have something of surprise!!??

 Other Films